
Educational statistics Using R - 1. Descriptive statistics 3) inverse item variable

개노답이글스 2022. 11. 9. 19:41


now make variables for inverse items


It easy to do it


[Maximum value among response +1] - [actual response values]


for example, 


someone response item 1 as 2, in Likert scale(5)


change the value 2 to 4(6-2=4)


But.. How do I know which item is inversed?


there are three way to check


first, Check the GuideBook about the item.


item developer would write about it


second, Check correlation among items


this will show the item's effect is postive or negative comparing with other items


Let's see


I use 10 items 


the items measures selfesteem


to analyse correlation, use 'cor' function


cor(dataset[,column number:column number],use = 'complete.obs', method = 'pearson')

use = 'complete.obs' : delete all NULL

method = 'pearson' : using pearson correlation



the result is..


I found the 5 inverse items (2, 5, 6, 8, 9)


in this survey, use 4 scale


so change their value like this


use index, select column number and replace values


and then, make a variable




to be continued..


Thank you.